© 2006 Ted Saker, Jr. All rights reserved.
Country of First Publication: The United States of America
These works are for the personal viewing and enjoyment of visitors to this site.
Any and all commercial use of these images is absolutely, strictly and totally prohibited without my consent.
Remember, I sue people professionally. Besides Astronomy, it's what I live for.
(Page Created: 4 May 2006)
Restoration project No. 1: I decided to start from the end and create a page about the most recent astro-event on the calendar. What else could it be except the 2006 TEXAS STAR PARTY? Held at the magnificent, sprawling, Texas-sized Prude Guest Ranch, located five miles west of historic Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County, in the Davis Mountains of west Texas. My journal will follow later, along with CCD astro-images taken with my recently acquired SBIG ST-8 camera. This edition was truly special as I had a particularly welcome guest, my older son, accompany me on his first Texas experience. Click on this link to read his TSP Guest Journal.
2006 Texas Star Party Images
Clear, Dark and Steady Skies!