© 2009 Ted Saker, Jr. All rights reserved.
Country of First Publication: The United States of America
These works are for the personal viewing and enjoyment of visitors to this site.
Any and all commercial use of these images is absolutely, strictly and totally prohibited without my consent.
Remember, I sue people professionally. Besides Astronomy, it's what I live for.

(Page Created: 3 June 2009)

Each successive Texas Star Party seems to come and go faster and faster. This year's TSP was held April 19 to 26. Once again, Craig Colbert beat me to the front gate even though I arrived six hours earlier than I have ever previously managed. Rather than sleep at the gate, we finagled our way onto the ranch, and spent a cold, windy, clear night observing with my ETX-90. This year, TSP graced us with four straight clear nights, and five clear nights out of seven. I tried to put the time to good use, and captured some images and completed John Waggoner's Telescope Observing Club (5x5) and the Binocular List..... from HELL!!!.

The guys fom Celestron (yes, that Celestron) brought a couple of new scopes to TSP.

Six weeks later, I'm writing this page, looking back in retrospect, and wondering how my ninth TSP went by so fast and how I'm going to pass the next eleven months until the next one. I suppose that the best answer to that question is to get busy processing images.

2009 Texas Star Party Images

M 20Arp 244

M20 Emission Nebula "The Trifid" in Sagittarius. 3x10 min. L, 3x5 min. R, 3x6 min. G, 3x7 min. B integrations. Taken with a SBIG ST-8E, C-11 @ f/10 and G-11 in the morning hours of April 24, 2009.

(Click on the thumbnail to view the full-size original image.)

Arp 244 Peculiar Galaxies “The Antennae” or “Ringtail” in Corvus. 7x10 min. L, 6 6x5 min. R, 6x6 min. G, 6x7 min B integrations. Taken with a SBIG ST-8E, C-11 @ f/10 and G-11 on April 21 and 22, 2009.

(Click on the thumbnail to view the full-size original image.)

M 20
March 17, 2011: The reprocessed Trifid.
(Click on the thumbnail to view the full-size original image.)

All astronomical images were acquired with an SBIG ST-8E camera with AO-7, SBIG CFW-10 with Custom Scientific LRGBHa filters (for tricolor images), Celestron C-11 Schmidt-Cassegrain optical system, and Losmandy Gemini G-11 GEM. Images processed with MaxIm DL™ v. 4.

Some images of the beautiful Davis Mountains region taken with my cellphone on the road to TSP.

Southbound on Texas St. Rte. 17
nearing the Texas Mountain Trail
Into the Davis Mountains

Yes, it's that clearKids, don't try this at night

Craig Colbert aka Shady TreeKeith Venables and Marvin

My TSP Observatory

I and my rig (Photo © 2009 and used courtesy of the folks at Celestron-see this and other TSP photos at their blog site)

Clear, Dark and Steady Skies!

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